Spørsmål om lek hos kurvciklider

Jeg har tenkt å skaffe meg kurvciklider til min 250l og vil prøve å få dem i lek.
Har noen noen tips angående dette?

Inaktiv bruker
These fish will breed at a very young age. The pair should be conditioned on live foods and the male will then commence to clean a spawning site, flat rocks or a section of tank glass is the usual places. After a few days of spawning the eggs should hatch but the fry will not be free swimmers until 5-7 days later. The parents will share their duties of protecting the fry and sometimes will move them in their mouths around the tank. The fry should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or crushed flake initially."

(Sitat fra aqua-fish.net)

En annen flott side om denne flotte fisken! ;)
Takk for endelig å ha fått et svar.
Viste ikke at de kan gjemme yngelen i munnen.
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