Parring om en annen
Sliter litt med formulering av spørsmålet mitt..... Vi har sånn smått startet med oppdrett og hører til stadighet at de som er i samme familie kan parre med hverandre. Men hvordan vet man om de er i samme familie? Er det slik at man ser det på det latinske "fornavnet", for eksempel at alle som har ancistrus inkludert i navnet kan krysses eller er det mer komplisert enn som så? Er jo en smule surt å få kryssninger man ikke ønsker seg.
Postet 09.01.11 kl 23:19
Postet 09.01.11 kl 23:25
Postet 10.01.11 kl 08:28
Her er ekesempel for reker
eksempel for reker. Hentet fra:
Below is a basic chart created with what I have learned or read. It's a simplified chart giving the breakdown of the common species and whether they will interbreed. It does not take into account if shrimp are lousy tank-mates. For example, several people mention that Amano shrimp have a habit of bullying any other species they are kept with and some people have no issues at all with Amanos and other species together. This is just a "will they hybridize?" chart and hopefully will answer questions like, "will my RCS cross with my Tiger shrimp?" or "will my Red Cherry Shrimp breed with my Yellow Shrimp?"
Now to give a slightly more complex reasoning I'll need to explain scientific names and line them up with their more common counterparts. Basically, you shouldn't mix any species from the same species family or they can and will interbreed. An exception to the rule is with Amano shrimp (Cardina) they have different breeding requirements and will not cross with others of the Cardina species in your tanks.
Common Name - Full Species Name
Bamboo Shrimp -- Atyopsis moluccensis
Amano Shrimp -- Caridina multidentata **Exception to rule, will not breed with other Cardina sp.
Bee Shrimp -- Caridina cf. cantonensis
Bumble Bee Shrimp -- Caridina sp.
Crystal Red Shrimp -- Caridina cf. cantonensis
Green Shrimp -- Caridina sp.
Tiger Shrimp -- Caridina Sp
Blue Pearl Shrimp -- Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis
Red Cherry Shrimp -- Neocaridina heteropoda
Neocaridina heteropoda -- Neocaridina heteropoda
Snowball Shrimp -- Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis
Yellow Shrimp -- Neocaridina heteropoda
For this reason I suggest you do your homework when selecting tank mates and learn the scientific name of the shrimp to see if they have compatibility issues.
** Disclaimer, this chart is a simplification. There have been rare occurrences noted of claims that species such as Red Cherry Shrimp and Crystal Red Shrimp have interbred. The likelihood of this seems to be very, very low but this is not comprehensive. If you see any thing above that seems incorrect please let me know, I would be happy to research this further and make changes as necessary.
Below is a basic chart created with what I have learned or read. It's a simplified chart giving the breakdown of the common species and whether they will interbreed. It does not take into account if shrimp are lousy tank-mates. For example, several people mention that Amano shrimp have a habit of bullying any other species they are kept with and some people have no issues at all with Amanos and other species together. This is just a "will they hybridize?" chart and hopefully will answer questions like, "will my RCS cross with my Tiger shrimp?" or "will my Red Cherry Shrimp breed with my Yellow Shrimp?"
Now to give a slightly more complex reasoning I'll need to explain scientific names and line them up with their more common counterparts. Basically, you shouldn't mix any species from the same species family or they can and will interbreed. An exception to the rule is with Amano shrimp (Cardina) they have different breeding requirements and will not cross with others of the Cardina species in your tanks.
Common Name - Full Species Name
Bamboo Shrimp -- Atyopsis moluccensis
Amano Shrimp -- Caridina multidentata **Exception to rule, will not breed with other Cardina sp.
Bee Shrimp -- Caridina cf. cantonensis
Bumble Bee Shrimp -- Caridina sp.
Crystal Red Shrimp -- Caridina cf. cantonensis
Green Shrimp -- Caridina sp.
Tiger Shrimp -- Caridina Sp
Blue Pearl Shrimp -- Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis
Red Cherry Shrimp -- Neocaridina heteropoda
Neocaridina heteropoda -- Neocaridina heteropoda
Snowball Shrimp -- Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis
Yellow Shrimp -- Neocaridina heteropoda
For this reason I suggest you do your homework when selecting tank mates and learn the scientific name of the shrimp to see if they have compatibility issues.
** Disclaimer, this chart is a simplification. There have been rare occurrences noted of claims that species such as Red Cherry Shrimp and Crystal Red Shrimp have interbred. The likelihood of this seems to be very, very low but this is not comprehensive. If you see any thing above that seems incorrect please let me know, I would be happy to research this further and make changes as necessary.
Postet 10.01.11 kl 12:54
Postet 10.01.11 kl 13:19
Kommentar angående slekt kontra familie
Merk også at mange sier familie når de egentlig mener slekt. Et vitenskapelig artsnavn (binominalt navn) består av et slekts-navn (f.eks. Corydoras) og et arts-epitet (f.eks. trilineatus).
Ingen av delene er et familienavn. I tilfellet Corydoras trilineatus er navnet på familien Callichthyidae, på norsk også kjent som «pansermaller». Corydoras er altså et slektsnavn, ikke et familienavn.
Ellers er grunnprinsippet at individer fra samme art kan krysses. Men noen ganger kan også to forskjellige arter i samme slekt krysses. Dette kalles hybridisering, og avkommet kalles hybrider.
Jeg har aldri hørt om at fiskearter fra forskjellige slekter kan krysses. Selv ikke om de er i samme familie. Men siden disse begrepene er noe flytende (det er tross alt mennesker som definerer dem, og kunnskapen vår er alltid i endring), skal jeg ikke påstå at det er umulig.
Ingen av delene er et familienavn. I tilfellet Corydoras trilineatus er navnet på familien Callichthyidae, på norsk også kjent som «pansermaller». Corydoras er altså et slektsnavn, ikke et familienavn.
Ellers er grunnprinsippet at individer fra samme art kan krysses. Men noen ganger kan også to forskjellige arter i samme slekt krysses. Dette kalles hybridisering, og avkommet kalles hybrider.
Jeg har aldri hørt om at fiskearter fra forskjellige slekter kan krysses. Selv ikke om de er i samme familie. Men siden disse begrepene er noe flytende (det er tross alt mennesker som definerer dem, og kunnskapen vår er alltid i endring), skal jeg ikke påstå at det er umulig.
Postet 10.01.11 kl 13:57
Endret: 10.01.11 kl 13:57
Postet 10.01.11 kl 14:46