Hvordan plante løkplanter?

Kjøpte noen Crinum calamistratum til Afrikakaret mitt, og de har løk. Lurte på om løken skal ligge over eller under sanda, eller hvordan er det?

Løken skal plantes slik at ca 1/3-1/4 er nede i sanden. Planter du den for dybt vil løken sakte bli myk og ødelagt.

Oida.. haha.
Hva er "løkens jobb" for planten? Alle er plantet under sanden hos meg

Crinum thaianum is a distinctive bulbous plant belonging to the lily family. It is undemanding apart from the fact that it needs plenty of space. Plant so the top 2/3 of the bulb is visible, because otherwise the bulb tends to rot. When the plant grows older it sometimes sends a flower stem up to the water surface with an aromatic, elegant lily flower. Herbivorous fish leave it alone due to its tough leaves. In Thailand the bulb is used in a cream used to soften the skin. It is also suitable for indoor ponds.

Løken er plantens varelager samt holder for bladene.
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