Ca hvor store er eplesnegler når de begynner og legge egg?

har noen eplesnegler som er ca 2 cm og lurer på når disse kan legge egg?
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Det er nesten håløst å svare på. For det første må det være en av hvert kjønn. De begynner å legge egg når de blir 3-4 cm store. Det er en tålmodighetsprøve å vente på eggklaser. Masse mat og tp på 26 grader framskynder egglegging. Mvh Heidi
Før du evt skruer opp temperaturen for at de skal vokse fortere, så les dette først:
The apple snail's life expectancy mainly depends on the temperature of their environment and the general life conditions. At lower temperatures, the apple snail can get over 3 years old and records of apple snails of ten years old have been reported. Lanistes nyassanus has an estimated life span of 5 to 10 years in Lake Malawi, Africa.
At a temperature of 25°C, they will only live 12-16 months. At higher temperatures, the snails are more active because their metabolism increases with the temperature, but this also speeds up their life cycle and thus shortens their life expectancy.
So you can elongate your snail's life by lowering the temperature. A general rule: keep the temperature between 18 and 28°C (65-82°F).
It is suspected that at least some apple snail species need an aestivation period in the mud to avoid burning-out.

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