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Usually loss of balance is caused by one of the following conditions:
a. Water quality: Poor water conditions (ammonia, nitrite, foul water)
b. Digestive system blockages: Dry foods that swell up inside fish, parasites (flagellates or worms) (usually bloating is visible)
c.Swimbladder problem: Bacterial, drop in temperature, flagellates, tumor
d.Medication reaction
e.Blood flagellates
a. Check water parameters, do large water changes
b. Look for bloat, add Epsom salt 1 to 2 tablespoons/10 gallons, treat for internal parasites if Epsom salt does not relieve bloat
c. Sometimes a pH of 5.0 to 6.0 may help if it is infection
d. Salt at 1 to 2 tablespoons/10 gallons help ease stress and fight infection
e.Antibiotics may help