Langsnutede Corydoras.

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"The following are a few examples of groups of species that could be considered as having the same head and snout shape.

1. Long snouted. (Concave) C. acutus, C. amapaensis, C. vittatus, and C. treitlii.

2. Snouted. (Straight) C. haraldschultzi, C. pulcher, C. spectabilis and C. robustus.

3. Snouted. (Convex) C. arcuatus, C. copei, C. delphax, and C. gomezi.

4. Slender Snouted. C. prionotos, C. kronei, C. macropterus C. lacerdai

5. Rounded. C. trilineatus, C. duplicareus C. sterbai, C. araguaiaensis.

6. Short Rounded. C. metae, C. atropersonatus, C. concolor , C. caudimaculatus.

7. Even dorsal/ventral profile. C. elegans C. napoensis C. guapore, and C. pygmaeus."
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© Ian Fuller
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