identifying corydoradine catfish av ian fuller

Har hørt at denne skal oppdateres. Noen som vet om det blir en ny utgave, eller om det blir et vedlegg? Og om når den evt kommer?
I am currently working on a supplement for the Identification book rather than a second edition, I think it would be a rip off to produce a second edition for a mere 60 - 70 additional pages.

The Breeding book however is in the process of being re written and there will be a second edition of this. The first edition contains around 65 species spawning logs, but as well as having a complete update of the first section, there will be more than 130 species spawning logs in the second edition. This is probably 18 months or so away from completion.


Dette skrev Ian Fuller i januar. Sitatet er hentet fra denne siden.
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