Synodontis angelicus finnes i flere varianter avhengig av hvilken lokasjon i naturen de kommer fra, og på en av disse lokasjonene finnes en som har gule prikker. Kan det være den...? Les linken, flere Synodontiser er beskrevet nedover siden.
Synodontis angelicus på AquaticCommunity:
"Hailing from the Congo River, as do many in this list, is our first species - Synodontis angelicus - the Polka-Dot Catfish.
This is one beautiful catfish for your soft water, acidic tank, with pH 6.5 to 6.8 ideal. Upon maturity in such tanks, the keeper is rewarded with a deep, velvety purple fish covered with small, bright white
or in some populations, yellow, spots, and the color is repeated in bands on the tail, dorsal fin and strong lead rays of the pectoral fins. Like all Synodontis, the Polka-Dot Cat has a long pair of barbels on the corners of its mouth, and two more feathered barbels on its chin.
Perfectly peaceful, given a place where it can retire. S. angelicus does reach 8 inches, so tankmates like larger tetras are the rule.
Kept with Congo Tetras in a large tank, say over 75 gallons, S. angelicus feels right at home. In large enough tanks, say 100 gallons or better, you can keep your angelicus in groups, as long as there are sufficient hiding places for all. "
På velkjente
Planetcatfish skriver de også om S. angelicus:
"Some specimens possess
more yellow than white spots and the dark colour can range from dark grey through an inky purple to midnight black depending on mood, health, age and sex of the individual."