JBL kopper (CU) testsett

Har fortiden litt problemer med eplesnegledød, i den forbindelse har jeg prøvd å få tak i et testsett for å påvise kopper. Fant tilslutt en refillpakke (uten fargekart og manual).
Nå er jeg ikke opptatt av så fryktelige nøyaktige målinger i første omgang, og på www.jbl.de fant jeg et lite bilde av skalaen (fra lys til mørk blå)

Det jeg lurer på er om eiere av et komplett sett kan fortelle meg mengde vann (5ml?), ant. dråper(5?), og ventetid. Regner med at vannet helst skal være helt fritt for kopper, dvs alle blåfarger av en sånn test er godt nok for å bevise skadelig innhold?
Klippet fra JBL.de
Repeatedly rinse both test jars with the water to be tested.
Use the enclosed syringe to fill each of the test jars with 5 ml of sample water.
Add 5 drops of reagent 1 to one of the two test jars, shake briefly to mix, then add 5 drops of reagent 2 and mix again.
Allow to stand until the full colouring develops, 10 minutes for tests on freshwater and 15 minutes for tests on saltwater.
Place both test jars in the grey comparator block: the jar with the added reagent at the smooth end of the comparator block, the jar with untreated sample water (blank sample) at the notched end of the comparator block.
Position the comparator block on the colour chart so that the jar containing untreated water is over the coloured sections of the chart, whilst the jar with added reagent is over the blank sections of the colour chart. Move the comparator block with the two test jars backwards and forwards on the colour chart, until the colour of the sample treated with reagent matches the colour under the blank sample as closely as possible.
Read the copper content in the notch of the comparator block.

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