dette fant jeg:
Males are aggressive and you can’t keep more than one in one tank. Otherwise they would fight until one of them dies. I’d recommend you to keep from 2 up to 6 females with 1 male; Their aggressivity lowers and will turn into small fights in this case
The Nothobranchius rachovii fish usually lives a short life also because of very fast metabolism. On the other hand, fast metabolism means fast growth. Water should be alkaline a bit, which is necessary for breeding purposes especially. In order to avoid incorrect chemistry, you should consider using salt and peat in your tank. Peat will be welcomed during breeding, because this species spawns into it. Moreover, peat keeps the whole aquarium safer in the sense of potential diseases.
The best food is: mosquitos, daphnia, worms, but tetramin food too. Of course, tubifex will be accepted without any discussion, but you should feed tubifex wisely. If overfed, they will probably die. Bear in mind that overfeeding might happen easily. On the other hand, keep feeding these fish on a regular basis, since they demand it. If you stop feeding them for a week, they will die. Moreover, problems caused by food absence can be noticed after 2 days. The solution is very easy; Feed them bigger amount of food. Prefer black mosquitos worms for this purpose. Once again, avoid overfeeding. This fish’s colours get very bright after they die (they look like alive even though they’re dead).