New to the forum

Hi everyone I am a new beginner to the tropical fish world and to this forum. I have 2 seperate tanks one tank has betta and the other platies and male guppies.

I have lived in Norway for 2 years as of now going to norskkurs, Any replies can be in english or norwegian (preferably norsk for jeg må prøve).

Hopefully there is room for this Canadian guy in this forum

Happy New Year (Godt Nytt År)

Velkommen til Akvaforum!!! I hope you feel as welcome as I did when I joined!!

Lykke til med karene dine og ha et Godt Nytt År!!!! )))
Der det er hjerterom er det husrom
Velkommen til AF.

Jeg ønsker deg et godt nytt år!
velkommen til af å godt nytt år
Godt nytt år! Hyggelig å ha kanadiere her også!

Spørsmal om platy ?
Hi alle sammen

Jeg har flyttet min platy in spawning tank for jeg tror min fisk er gravid.. Er jeg rett?

beklager feilstaving som jeg prøver å skrive norsk (mye hjelpe fra online translation lol)
Jeg syntes den ser gravid ut.... Men nå har ikke jeg hatt platy så altfor lenge til at jeg kan svare på dette med sikkerhet. Den ser litt gravid ut iallefall
The yellow one (second fish) looks pregnant, but not the orange fish. The orange female looks normal, but beeing a livebearer fish, she's probably pregnant too, but early on. Release them both, is my advice, because fish do not do well in those small hatching boxes. They get scared and stressed, two factors that's not good for a pregnant soon-to-be mum female.

The best thing you can do to save the fry and ensure a good part of them are growing up, is to buy a lot of fast growing plants and literally fill your fishtank with plants. That way, all the fry will find lots of hiding places, and soon more fry than you can accommodate will grow up...!
Thank you Mona O for the information i did release the fish from the breeding tank and she is swimming free now. I have one Java moss plant but probably would need more am i right ?.

I would like to see if i can save the babies as its my first time with this and not have my guppies or platies eat them when would it be right time for her to be in the breeding tank?

How much Moss would i need to fill the tank?

Takk for Hjelp
Moss might not be the best choice to "fill a tank", because if it gets too thick, it dies inside because of lack of light, and is only left green on the outside. If a piece of moss is left without regular pruning, it traps large amounts of dirt and debris. Aquarium shrimps keeps moss clean and fresh, but unfortunately they woun't live long in a tank full of free swimming fish. I keep a lot of shrimps, but I only keep catfish with them since they don't hunt shrimp. But livebearers like platy do... :-/ And in general, moss mostly grows on the bottom, but livebearer fry tends to seek to the surface and upper part of the tank. So floating plants and/or plants that grows from the bottom and all the way up to the surface, that is what you need

So to make "a jungle" for your fry to hide in, keep other plants that can grow in the entire water column in a fish tank.
Fast growing plants with a stem, like something we here in Norway has named "Hornblad", is cheap, grows like weed and gives plenty of hiding spaces for fry. It is a stem plant, but does not produce roots, so it's best left floating in the tank where it will settle in a quiet corner and starts growing. It can easily fill a tank - just give it time
On other times of the year, I would recommend you to take a look in the "Plants for sale" section here on Akvaforum, but since it's way to cold to ship tropical plants by mail now, you will have to either find an ad from a person living close to you (so you can pick up the plants yourself), or buy the plants in your LFS (local fish store).
There are lots of plants that would suite your fish tank, but hornblad is probably the easiest and the most fast growing aquarium plant I know of

PS! Here's some info about the plant I suggested IN ENGLISH (yippi, hehe)
Seems like the english popular name for it is Common Hornwort.
Here is also some more for you to read about stem plants in a fish tank: an article in english where hornwort is mentioned (and lots of other plants).
takk skal du har Mona O you helped me alot
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