Foredrag med Ian Fuller og Erlend Bertelsen, storauksjon (Valdres Akvarieklubb), 14/2-15

Foredrag med Ian Fuller og Erlend Bertelsen, og storauksjon på Dokka.

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Info om storauksjonen (regler og selgernummer) finner du på Valdres Akvarieklubbs hjemmeside Det er overnattingsmuligheter på Dokka Camping, Dokka Bilpleie Esso leier ut rom (tlf 61111511).
Medlemmer i Valdres Akvarieklubb og alle deltagere på Akvarietreffet 14/2 kan nå forhåndsbestille Ian Fullers bøker til spesialpris Bestilling sendes til, betaling for bøker settes inn på 6580.16.77090, begge deler må være klubben i hende senest 27/1-2015. Bøkene utleveres på Akvarietreffet.

Breeding Corydoradinae Catfish, Second edition, kr. 348,- :
Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish, kr. 232,-
Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish Supplement 1, kr.186,-

Breeding Corydoradinae Catfish, Second edition, by Ian a. M. Fuller:
"A comprehensive guide to the keeping and breeding of Corydoradinae catfishes.This book is a second edition of my original book and represents almost 40 years keeping and breeding Corydoradinae Catfish.
General husbandry information, with techniques for conditioning and bringing fish into breeding condition and the various ways to trigger breeding activity are included.The second section contains detailed spawning logs for more than one hundred and fifty species, for some of these, fellow Cory enthusiasts have provided additional information and images to help enhance the book." Kr. 348,-

Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish, by Ian A. M. Fuller & Hans-Georg Evers: "A comprehensive guide to the identification of Corydoradinae Catfish and includes all known species of Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras, Scleromystax and all C-numbers up to C145. Further information includes locality details, etymology and the potential adult size the species would be expected to reach under aquarium conditions." Kr. 232,-

Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish Supplement 1, by Ian A. M. Fuller & Hans-Georg Evers: "The Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish Supplement 1 is a 140 page volume and covers 82 new species. 8 of which are new descriptions, 14 new C-numbers and 60 CW-numbers. It also has an additional chapter from Markos Alexandrou & Martin Taylor from Bangor University, which explains the work they have done and new proposals for possible future work." Kr 186,-
Husk å sette av tid til Akvarietreff på Dokka 14.februar, foredrag med Ian Fuller og Erlend D. Bertelsen, og storauksjon Selgernummer bestilles via klubbens hjemmeside.

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