Leptobotia elongata

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Latinsk navn Leptobotia elongata (Bleeker, 1870)
Orden/Familie Orden: Cypriniformes (Karpefisker)
Cobitidae (Sandsmetter) Wikipedia
Care: This family of fish are sub-tropical and live in fast to medium flow streams throughout China. They therefore appreciate current in their aquarium, good aeration and filtration.

Very large aquaria required.

Feeding: Easy to feed. Eagerly accepts all proprietary aquarium foods. Needs bulkier foods as it grows, such as feeder fish, larger frozen foods such as shrimp, sliced fish.

Water parameters: pH: 7.0- 8.0 . Hardness: Medium . Max dh: 12

Temperature: 68ºF to 75ºF (20-23.8°C)

Breeding: Not bred in aquaria. Spawn from March to May in the wild, and the roe is viscous and sticks to rocks.

Most of this family like to hide under rocks, so their aquarium should be furnished with lots of large pebbles and flat pieces of slate or other inert rock to provide multiple places for the fish to hide and provide security.

Leptobotia generally get quite large and have large mouths, but this species is the real giant. It can reach as much as 3kg in weight in the wild and is fast-growing. They should therefore be kept only with suitably sized fish as anything small will be eaten. Owners have reported the fish literally just sucking in feeder goldfish. Otherwize peaceful.
Maks. størrelse 50 cm
Holdes helst i grupper (Stimfisk) Nei
Trives i
Øvre del/Vannflata
Midtre del
Fòr og fòring
NAF Oppdrettsvalør Ikke satt
Minimum størrelse liter på akvariet 1500 liter
Temperatur 22° C - 28° C
Surhetsgrad på vannet (PH) 7 - 8
Hardhetsgrad på vann (GH) 9 - 12
Sist endret 15.10.05 kl 20:40 av Admin

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